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Florist Carmen George

If you would like to have a gorgeous bouquet for your Vermont wedding, but don't want to spend the price for real flowers, renting is a wonderful option. 

It's easy and perfect for last minute ceremonies and elopements.


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Deep Red Peonies Bouquet

Romantic bouquet with deep red peonies, hand-tied with white ribbon and pearl head pins. $40


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Romantic Burgundy Bouquet

Large bouquet with deep red roses, peonies, protea with pops of pink garden roses and navy viburnum berries.  $40


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Rustic Sunny Bouquet

Medium size hand-tied bouquet sunflowers, red dahlias, orange poppies, gerber daisies and lavender...  $40


Something Blue Bouquet

Medium size hand-tied white wood, dried blue and assorted flowers. $40

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